…We are seemingly insignificant and powerless in the grand scheme of things… …We remain a speck, a tiny dot in the middle of mother nature’s power… …We say it is El Nino, yet we still get in our car and emit that which contributes……
I put aside everything today so that I could sit down and write…but I got nothing… I have come up with four different titles…still nothing… I have spent the last week unknowingly absorbing the energy of other people…what I have tried to write was…
Through the Window Green sea turtles are laid in a big clutch of 100-200 eggs, incubate for about 2 months, hatch, then off they go into the deep blue sea. They can fit in the palm of your hand. They make the long trek…
The article Sometimes It’s Just Easier To Care About Dead Lions Than Dead People by blogger Matt Walsh, (posted by a Facebook friend) bothered me. He does not understand why everyone is so upset over the death of a lion. He goes on to talk…
Cecil the Lion…I have been following this story through Wildlife at Risk, an organization that focuses on saving wildlife in Africa, and today, as the news broke that it was an American that killed this animal for sport, for a trophy on his wall,…
It is rare to find, a friend like you, that knows me down to the abyss, that grasps the part of me that is unspoken; the old soul that I am trying so hard to embrace and allow to shine through. I miss you.…
She sits and observes those around her, hearing them, feeling them; attempting to decipher who they are, only to become thoroughly confused. What they are saying is not the energy they are emitting…there is discord within; they are presenting a facade. It was a…
I wish I had the talent for getting rid of stupid people…you know the ones I’m talking about..the idiot that asks a mom what she does all day, the imbecile that throws his cigarette butt out the window of his car or leaves it…