All Posts By

K. K.

Life Love

…There is Always Dust…

…I thought I would walk the path of life hand in hand with my mate… …Always in the same direction, company for life, a shared journey… …It would be a nice road that we build ourselves, smooth, nonresistant… …No populated well traveled road for…

July 26, 2016

…Writings of a Ghost…

…My family used to have a pig farm… …long gone by the time I was born… …this chalk board is still in the barn… …the handwritten notes of my Grandfather… …lists the numbers of pigs and their various states… …some of the numbers are…

July 20, 2016
Family Love


…I know the picture is not that great, it is a bit fuzzy, but at the same time, isn’t purity in children about enjoying all things whether perfect or not?  They do not care what their hair looks like, or their clothes, or if…

June 11, 2016
Life Love

…Elegantly Simple…

…Spare… (adjective) Additional to what is required for ordinary use. (adjective) Elegantly simple. (verb) To refrain from harming.   …It is elegantly simple… …to be considerate… …instead of cruel… …It is elegantly simple… …to help… …instead of hinder… …It is elegantly simple… …to live…

May 27, 2016
Life Love

…Map of my Life…

My mother sent a picture of me and my husband that was taken 20 years ago. Oh my god, was it something, we looked so young!!  I looked at it for a long time, and thought where did the time go?  I should have…

May 13, 2016

…Renewal and Correction…

…I admire nature… …no matter how much we destroy… …the sun still comes up… …no matter how much we poison… …the rain eventually comes again… …no matter how much we kill… …it still fights to survive… …I admire nature… …because no matter what we…

April 29, 2016

…Do You See What I See?…

…I love looking at life closely… …investigating the smallest nuance of the experience I am in… …deciphering it’s full meaning and impact on my existence… …then I back up, slow down, remove myself from the equation, and look at the whole monumental picture… …it…

April 22, 2016